Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know The Card Makers Bundle is now only available through PageFour Press (my new digital download store) on Etsy. The newly revised The Card Maker’s Bundle combines different systems I use in my crafting and I wanted to make it available to help others with their inspiration and organisation. It is a 37-page, non-editable, instantly downloadable PDF bundle (A4 and US Letter sizes).
The revised Card Makers Bundle has different layouts to record basic sketch ideas and full card projects. There are some blank shapes for you to sketch out ideas when you come across them. Other sketch pages have space to record colour combinations and notes. There’s a section just for recording colour combinations you like or would like to try. Another page is for you to swatch your ink colours, whether that be ink pads or markers.
If you want to catalogue your products, there’s a basic catalogue section to start keeping track of what you have, how much you paid, where you got it from and more. No more double-ups! Well, hopefully! here are pages for your Wish List items (online and from catalogue) and pages for your Shopping list (online and from catalogues). I keep this on my desk so when I am getting low on something, or even *shock, horror* run out of something, it goes on this list. There’s a basic To-Do List and a notes section (one with lines and one with dots).
Some of the designs include multiple pages – one with a heading, and one without. This way, you can create a library and use the heading page to show different sections.
What I love about this product is that you can just print up as many of the pages as you want. You can print it all and get started, or just print up a few. As you work out your favourites, you can pop back into the document and just print up these – and as many as you like! There’s no limit! If you have an app like GoodNotes on your iPad, you can also upload the Card Makers Bundle file and take it with you wherever you go.
I also love there are different ways to record card ideas. Sometimes I sketch out lots of ideas. Other times, I want to put a bit more detail – flesh it out a little more. Other times again, I want to record every step, including if I mailed it out or posted it online.
Please note, The Card Maker’s Bundle is an instant digital download and no physical product will be shipped. You can see the included pages on the graphics below as well as a list of items included.
I love this resource and I hope you will too.

If you have any questions about any of the above, please don’t hesitate to contact me! I’d also like to say a BIG thank you to those who purchased the original Bundle through Stampers Workshop! I cannot begin to say how much I appreciate your orders – thank you!
Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you have a great day!